Saturday, March 29, 2008

28th of March was a tired and sad day,as the sec 4 & 5 are leaving the band. Time fly, it is my turn to step down ,dun worried i will still come back every saturday, i will miss u all.Jia hui and lin jia jia you!!!!Be strong, Thank for all the wonderful gift i had received, steven's gift was very nice, but i afraid i might broke it.The cookie,fried noodle,n other stuff made by jing yi n my junior was nice too,that is my sis say,i still got cought cannot eat yet.....message to my junior x_x
6:28 PM

clarinet rox!!!!!!!!!!
dun cry, we will come back
we are section 3!!!this delicous fried noodles made by my junior!!!!!!
Nice shoot, say chesse
1st clarinet=)
12:51 AM